Message By The Principal

Develop a sound sense of dicipline, character, initiative and a solid academic background. You must devote yourself whole-heartedly to your studies, for that is your first obligation to yourselves, your parents and to the State. You must learn to obey for only then you can learn to command. ( Quaid -e Azam Islamia College, Peshawar – 12th April, 1948)
Welcome to this extraordinary school and community of APS & C DHAI-II SEC F (Girls).
A school plays a crucial role in shaping not only a child’s future but provides the foundation of national character. Not only does this includes the provision of education and ensuring learning, but moulding the character, morals, and value system of the child as well. A school provides the foundation needed to view the world as a limitless space providing innumerable opportunities to holistic experiential, integrated, student centered teaching and learning.
We strive at APS & C DHAI-II SEC F to provide education that explores, challenges, and grooms every aspect of the child’s personality. While we are determined to provide seamless learning targeted towards excellent academic performance through the incorporation of the latest teaching approaches, we also ensure that we are actively working on the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual training of our children through positive discipline and student leadership. We focus on contextual learning based on a constructivist theory of teaching & learning to provide techniques such as problem-solving, learning by doing & inquiry-based learning activities. Our APSACS led programmes such as APSACS School Emotional Health Programme, Career Counselling & University Placement, APSACS Co-Curricular & Enrichment Activities, Inclusion Programme and Makers Space Programme help students to nurture in a collaborative learning environment which transforms the students to think globally and act locally.
Our teachers are professionally equipped to adapt and modify SLO based curriculum content, pedagogy & assessment which suit the needs and aspirations of our students. We work towards a 21 st Century holistic, experiential, integrated, student-centred educational system that helps our young learners to equip them for the ever-changing employment dynamics and global ecosystems and developing national character We educate our children to change the world through peace, empathy, and fraternity and place great emphasis on ethical values.
Our sincere gratitude to all the stakeholders of APS & C DHAI-II SEC F i.e. the management, staff, parents, and students for keeping your trust and belief in the school We look forward to working together to support every child to fulfil the school’s motto of Better Together Wishing all our children a happy and successful journey of learning!
Warm Regards,
Ms Jaweria Sajjad
DHAI APS & C Sector F, Phase II